Welcome and Influences
I was born on Musqueam territory and respectfully acknowledge that I now work on the territories of the Lək̓ʷəŋən People (known today as the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations). The beauty and richness of this land has been a gift to me and I feel privileged to have been able to raise my children, work and play here. I honour their knowledge and welcome diverse clients who seek support through my services.
I have been in private practice for 20 years and am a Registered Clinical Counsellor (BCACC) in the Greater Victoria area with a Master's Degree in Counselling Psycholody. I believe in a holistic, welcoming approach and utliize somatic psychotherapeutic principles in my work. I am a grateful mother, gardener, cook, novice bee-keeper, and I love physical and artistic pursuits. I have lived, studied and worked in communities as diverse as Mali, Switzerland, Guatemala and France and have worked as a clinical counsellor with clients from all over the world for over 14 years.

My career path has included an eclectic range of educational and employment opportunities that includes:
- Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology
- Registered Clinical Counsellor (BCACC)
- Somatic Transformation: Advanced Certifcation
- Somatic Experiencing: Completed Advanced Trainings
- Certificate in Intercultural Studies (UBC)
- Clinical Counsellor at the University of Victoria and Camosun College Counselling Sevices
- Support counselling staff at "Sharing the Path", a couples retreat at Hollyhock run by Robert Gass and Judith Ansara
- Facilitator of therapeutic groups
- Facilitator at Sharon Stanley's Two Year Somatic Transformation Certificate Training Program for Practitioners
- Program Developer and Coordinator of programs for students diagnosed with learning disabilities and/or ADHD at UVIC
- Clinical supervisor for street outreach programs
Anna Stein
Phone: 250-208-5595